about the project.
The project started as a part of the long-term programme _TheSpot Bulgaria managed by BG Be active as part of the project “Partnership for a beautiful and clean environment”. In 2020 the aim was to extend the group of the activists fighting for the cause #nowaste in the partnership areas. The goal of this is to contribute to the decrease of waste in the Bulgarian cities, an increase of recycling, and improvement of the urban environment to a healthier waste-free zone.
ReBox successfully contributed to the aims of the above-mentioned project as a successful collaboration between the NGO sector, educational institutions, and businesses through new technologies.
In 2021 the project evolved into a “Partnership for beautiful and clean Bulgaria”. One of the aims of the project was to increase the levels of citizen activity and responsibility in the sphere of pollution and the development of urban spaces. At the end of March, we positioned three ReBox installations for collecting plastic bottles and metal cans. This is how we started the ReBox journey in three partnership schools.
Our goal
The project aims to motivate and create habits in the sphere of sustainability and protecting the environment. The ReBox system helps us encourage separate waste collection, giving an actual value to every bottle or metal can.
Combining good practices related to recycling, behavioral principles of the “push theory” (Cass. R. Sunstein, Nudging: A Very Short Guide, 37 J. Consumer Pol’y 583 2014), and the IoT technology we aim to propose a solution in this direction.
Practically, every bottle or can collected in the ReBox “smart bins” will be sold for recycling and with the collected money, we will fund eco-initiatives in the partnering schools.
How it works?

Students collect plastic bottles and metal cans in our smart bins. Every waste is being emptied of liquid, smashed, and thrown.

The partnering schools together with our team sort and weights the collected waste. Afterward, a recycling company collects all the waste.

The waste is being sold to a recycling company and the generated sum is being given to the school for eco-initiatives.
I want to be useful. Recycle me!
At the beginning of the campaign, every school had the opportunity to create a special place or an art installation which provokes the students to recycle. By doing so, every school had the opportunity to start at the same level.
“I want to be useful. Recycle me!” will be held not only in Shumen but in 6 other cities all around the country which are participating in different activities to stimulate the citizens to recycle. All the recycled waste will be measured monthly in the cities that are part of the campaign and depending on the quantities a prize will be allocated.
For more information:
Waste recycling is an example of one of the many small things that we can do daily in order to improve the environment!